There is an increasing amount of confusion surrounding loan modifications. The longer this challenging economy persists, the more new laws, rules, and regulations complicate this area. On top of that, individual lenders often make matters worse by adding their own interpretation to those guidelines. An excellent example illustrating how borrowers can be victimized by the “system” and how you can avoid becoming one of those victims is the true story of Susan and Robert Gerke.
Susan and Robert called our office looking for help with their loan modification. They were getting the runaround by CitiMortgage and were in serious danger of losing their home to foreclosure. Since I get a lot of calls seeking help in this complex area, I have established a referral relationship with a lawyer who specializes in loan mods. I referred Susan and Robert to that lawyer.
It took a lot of creativity, persistence and tenacity (including calling the San Francisco Chronicle to get them to write an article about the Gerkes’ plight to bring pressure to bear on CitiMortgage), but that loan mod lawyer finally got the Gerkes their permanent loan modification and saved their home from foreclosure.
Here is what the grateful Gerkes had to say:
“Our loan mod situation was extremely challenging and very complex. [The lawyer you referred us to] proved to be an excellent attorney, a trusted ally, and a tireless champion of our cause. Truly an iron fist in a velvet glove.”
-Robert & Susan Gerke
[Note: This testimonial or endorsement does not constitute a guarantee, warranty, or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter.]
You can read more about their story in the Chronicle by clicking here now.
If you are facing challenges with your home loans, you are not alone and you don’t need to navigate the treacherous waters of loan modification negotiations by yourself. Just send an e-mail to [email protected] with “Loan Mod Referral” in the subject header and I will be happy to reply with an e-mail that will help you start solving your problem immediately.