Apartment Owners: How To Get The Biggest Loan and Sale Price For Your Apartments

by | Jan 22, 2015 | Firm News

As an apartment owner, you understand that the amount of your profits will be determined by how big a loan you can get when you purchase or refinance and by the price you are ultimately able to get for your property when you sell.  As a fellow apartment owner, and as The Real Estate Investor’s LawyerSM, I do everything I can to make sure my properties are optimized to get the biggest loan and sale price well before I contact the lender or list my property for sale. That requires a combination of good business and legal planning.

I now want to share my step-by-step playbook (this link will expire February 5, 2015, so try to download it before then; if you miss that deadline, send me an e-mail and I’ll send you a new link) with you to help you do the same…at no charge. I have put together a special report called:



What every commercial property owner
must know to prepare for the financing, refinancing or sale of your real estate

I wrote this special report to work for virtually any commercial property, whether it’s apartments, shopping centers, office buildings, industrial buildings, or any commercial income property.  You will recognize those items that apply to your apartments and the ones that do not.

As a lawyer and investor, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve dealt with sellers who were not prepared when they entered into a contract to sell their property.
They didn’t have their documents organized on time, they didn’t understand their property as well as I did.  As a result, they “paid” for their lack of preparation by leaving money on the table
when they sold…sometimes a lot of money.  
Don’t be that seller.
Please click here now to download your free copy of this special report. Give a copy of it to your property manager as a guide to help you be as prepared as possible.  Use it yourself as a roadmap for the financing and sale process.  
If you have any questions about the guide or about your next transaction, feel free to drop me an e-mail ([email protected]) or call our office (415-454-0455 or toll-free 800-553-7626). 
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