“Ms. Lerman, I thought you did a great job on the options and leases issue regarding potential reassessment in the North Bay Business Journal issue Monday, October 20, 2014.”
— John T., Napa County Assessor
“Hi Michelle:
Thank you for your last-minute hosting of our Troika on Tuesday, and instantly accommodating my traffic delay. We lawyers are accustomed to helping clients adapt, and it is a pleasure to watch someone so adept at seamless adjustments. As mentioned, your Monday talk was well-received. Even those who fancy themselves as ‘lawyer’s lawyers’ enjoy knowing that other experts are seeing transitions unfold in the same manner. For others, your perspective was a good lesson in the greater complexity lawyers now address, and why simple solutions peddled by the mass market vendors seldom are beneficial for the client.
Also good after many years to finally have our paths cross. I will keep you in mind for NorCal matters.”
Best wishes.
— LM, Century City Attorney